Melodies of Life Podcast
Master Your Life
Evolve In All Areas of Life
Love Unconditionally
Opportunities, Turning Tragedies into Blessings
Desire, Find Your True Purpose
Yourself, Be the Authentic Real You

Hi, this is Anna Anka. Welcome to Melodies of Life.
I am a Human Behavior Specialist, Author, Actress and Creator of Anna Anka Wellness.
This podcast is about my personal successes and failures in life, and I will be sharing my healing journey based on true stories.
In Each episode, I will share my darkest moments, and how I turned my hells into heavens, by letting go and rewire my thoughts, beliefs and perceptions of life.
My life has been filled with self-destructive behavior. I lost my mother at childbirth, grew up in an orphanage, became adopted by alcoholic parents, it made me live in a daily survival mode.
I was constantly choosing abusive relationships, going from one high conflict divorce to another, being falsely arrested. When I lost my children to Parental Alienation, at that point I hit rock bottom.
Pain is unavoidable, and our greatest teacher, but suffering is optional. Your familiar past will sooner or later become a predictable future.
Let me put you on a fast-track to win this so-called life and find your unique purpose, by giving you effective techniques to transform, dissolve and replace old ways of being. People with the worst past can create the best futures. The result is emotional freedom.
Elevate yourself today by creating a life filled with gratitude, love and abundance. Change your mind, change your life.
Press play and let the transformation process begin!
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